Financials Modernization Contract and Implementation Date

Feb. 28, 2022

This message was sent to University Business Offices, members of CABO, RUBO, UFO, and Campus Liaisons.

We are excited to share the contract negotiations with Oracle America are now complete, and their product, Oracle ERP Cloud, has been selected as our Financials Modernization solution. This new system will allow us to streamline our business processes, reduce complexity, and allow us to be nimble with real-time data. The next stage in the procurement process is to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for an implementation partner to assist us with the transition from Kuali Financials.

After careful consideration of the impact to campus, we have moved the target implementation date to July 1, 2024. During this selection phase, we began working with our Campus Liaisons to review and map the optional elements in the Chart of Accounts. The project team will be moving towards the creation of an Integrations Workgroup and taking the next steps on the business processes and reporting workstreams. It has become clear during this work that moving the implementation date was necessary to ensure enough time to complete these workstreams with the input of our campus partners.

While we understand that a change of this size is challenging, we are confident that our consultants, alongside our colleagues within the university, possess a strong knowledge base and solid experience to draw on as we move forward. Collaboration, patience, and understanding are the keys to the success of our community as we make this exciting shift towards the future. 

While this is occurring, we invite you to bookmark for updates to the project, as well as the benefits to business offices, faculty, and students.

If you have questions, please contact us at or through the project website,